By using our Model Wealth Portfolios platform, we can spend more time on you—more time looking at your situation, needs, and goals and providing you with the services you want and need to potentially reach those goals. Our goal is to spend more time looking at your situation, needs, and goals, and providing you with the services you want and need to potentially reach those goals.
Our portfolios aim to align with the goals and objectives of individual investors, targeting risk-adjusted returns in rising market cycles and protecting assets during down market cycles. Reduced portfolio volatility is a primary focus os OpuVest.
What We Focus On
- Goals-Based Returns
- Strategic Asset Allocation
- Diversification across many Asset Classes
- Passive when most effective
- Active when opportunity is available
- Focus on Risk-Adjusted Performance
- Systematic Rebalancing
- Tax-Loss Harvesting
- Donor-Advised Fund Management
- Manager Selection
- Detailed Performance Screening / Reporting
- Risk Management in Concentrated Stock Positions
- Portfolio Distribution Planning in Retirement
- Utilizing Uncorrelated Asset Classes
About Model Wealth Portfolios (MWP)
With your Advisors assistance and guidance, Model Wealth Portfolios can help you work toward achieving your goals through an asset management strategy that provides a disciplined investment process backed by comprehensive resources and experienced managers.
- Advisor Directed, Models-Based Platform
- Minimum Investment - $10,000-$25,000.
- Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Products (ETFs)
- Fully Managed through the OpuVest Investment Team.
- Advisor Fee - 1%-2%, Depending on Overall Assets Under Management
- MWP Program Fee - 0.08%-0.35%, Depending on Account Assets
- Additional Financial Planning Needs Included
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